When the world bleeds

June 4th protest in Jalisco against the police killing of Giovanni López. Foto: Arturo Campos Cedillo.

Material conditions permeate the world. In an analogous way to the murder of George Floyd, three murders by the municipal police have been reported in the city of Tijuana during the year. Likewise, the handling by the capitalist State of the pandemic due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is, without a doubt, the inescapable genocide. This same week, 350 companies located in Baja California restart their activities, throwing around 180,000 workers the brutality of a question: Covid-19 or starvation?

It is only within a system based on private property that the future of workers’ lives is decided. They say that if compulsory confinement is extended further, the economy would go into crisis. We, the exploited and oppressed, live in perpetual crisis. Companies that have just resumed activities are considered essential by the Mexican pandemic traffic light scheme, however, it is obvious that they would remain inactive during the supposed National Healthy Distance Day. What made them completely essential in just a few days? The economic interests and, it should be noted, the economic interests of the ruling class.

Police brutality and state-administered genocide are part of the symptomatology of history, which should remind us that it is written through the shape of our lives. History is not what has happened, but what is about to happen. It is up to us to overturn the myth of everyday life and break the idea that revolutions belong to the past. Time is condensed when the armed wing of the State and the administration of the lack of medical supplies is administered among those who have been thrown into the violence of famine and silence.

Although the protests in the USA at this time lack a political program, they reveal the rage of centuries of oppression and exploitation within the imperialist country. It is from proletarian internationalism that it must be recognized that the whole world is bleeding from the same wound: the workers. That it shares the same executioner: the bourgeoisie and its police force. Who have come for us.

That history takes place today.